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Music video designers uk | The Troggs ft Brian May

Music video designers uk and cinematography video design for ‘Wild Thing’ by the Troggs ft Brian May of Queen.

Music video designers UK

To this end, the live concert video footage has been edited and included in the film ‘Vegan Vampires from Zorg’. Likewise, the film is been edited and designed by Friedbanana in conjunction with music producer Mike Bennett.

An incredible live performance by Brian may joining his hero’s The Troggs in a rendition of ‘Wild Thing’. Moreover, the rock classic is given The Queen’s guitarist distinct style and feel.

In addition, other famous names featuring in the vampire film are the enigmatic John Otway, Fuzzbox, The Sex Pistols and The Fat White Family. Similiarly, Hacienda icon Melanie Williams performs on two new singles with manc legend Peter Hook.

  • Music video design, editing and cinematography
  • Adobe Premiere Software
the troggs with brian may live in concert